
You Know You've Studied Abroad In Ireland When...

You Know You've Studied Abroad In Ireland When...

1.) You know what "craic" is and that it's not a drug.
2.) You'll pay 4-5 euro ($8) for one pint and not even bat an eye.
3.) You know what the "off-license" or "offy" is.
4.) It's not "good" it's "grand."
5.) Hurling does not mean throwing up.
6.) Going to the pub between classes is not unusual.
7.) Rain is a way of life.
8.) You begin to end your sentences in "like" like.
9.) You've washed your clothes in your sink because laundry is about 12 US dollars.
10.) The biggest going out nights are Sunday and Thursday.
11.) Everyone carries around their own bottle of alcohol.
12.) A "rebel gig" is not a stray carriage.
13.) Drunken roommates is just the beginning...
14.) You've said "Cheers!" in place of Thank You back home and gotten odd looks for it.
15.) You know what "slainte" means and you say everytime you take a drink now.
16.) You've sung Galway Girl in a pub.
17.) Penny's is AMAZING!
18.) You know that supermacs (or superdine if desperate) are the places to go after a night out.
19.) You know the difference between a naggin, shoulder, and litre.
20.) You dont think it's weird to drink cider, especially druids!
21.) You'll pay 20 euro ($35) for a large pizza.
22.) You get all pissy when you go to a "pub" back home and they don't pour the Guinness right.
23.) If the idea of leprechauns now makes you roll your eyes.
24.) You survived Stab City! (AKA: Limerick)

Och ja, jag vet det!



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